
1. Brotherhood and sportsmanship is paramount. Any behaviour contrary to Islamic and sportsmanship principles will be dealt with harshly.

2. The ball will be an outdoor regulation ball. No Indoor/Futsal balls will be permitted.The Ball must be Size 5.

3. Only players registered with the league will be allowed to play. Any non-eliglble players will result in a default. 

4. Footwear shall be running shoes, indoor soccer shoes (Flat sole), Turf Shoes. NO CLEATS will be permitted.

5. Shingards and Socks are mandatory at all times for all players.

Start and Re-start of play

6. The game will consist of two 25 minute halves plus a maximum of 3 minutes injury time in the second half at the discretion of the referee. Games starting late may have the time reduced. At half time the interval shall not exceed three (3) minutes, except by the consent of the Referee.

7. Unless specified otherwise by the Rules of the competition, a match shall be played by two teams, each with not more than six players and not less than five players on the field of play. One of the players shall be the goalkeeper. All games will consist of five outfield players and a goalkeeper (6v6)

8. Substitutes are made on any stoppage of play. The game shall not be delayed to allow substitution, except for the substitution of the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper cannot be substituted in the last 10 minutes of a game except for injury.

9. Unlimited substitution shall be allowed but every player must play in each half.

10. When any player other than the goalkeeper is to be replaced, the substitute player should be out of bounds near the bench before the replacement player can enter. Neither the player entering or the player leaving may interfere with the play while both are on the field. Any abuse of this rule could result in a two minute penalty.

11. Any of the other players may change places with the goalkeeper, provided that the referee is informed before the change is made, and provided also, that the change is made during a stoppage of the game.

12. The game shall commence from the centre circle and the ball can be played in any direction.

13. Ball will be kicked in when the ball crosses the sideline according to the referee. When a goal is scored the game may not restart until both teams have reached there respective end. Any attempt to delay this process or excessive celebration could result in a 2 minute penalty.

14. Games must start and finish on time and teams must be ready to play at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled kick off time.

15. A minimum of five players is required to start a game. If a team cannot provide the minimum number within 10 minutes of the scheduled kick off time, they will forfeit the game by a score of 3-0.

16. A 24-hour advanced notice is required if a team is to forfeit a game. Notifying the league 24 hours in advance will result in a $50 fine otherwise it will be a $100 fine at the game. The fine must be paid by the team before it's next scheduled game or the next game shall be forfeited for an additional fine of $50.

17. A team is allowed to use their dedicated sub if they are down to 8 players. If they cannot play their sub, the league will provide a comparable replacement. 

18. No player can join a game after the second half has begun. Every player must play in each half even if he is on the bench.

19. A tie game will result in penalty kicks only in the playoffs. It will be 3 penalties a side where everyone must kick before a player can re-kick.

20. The goalie that takes the first penalty kick must remain in goal for the remainder of penalty kicks in the shootout.

21. Penalty kicks during regular or overtime shall be taken from the penalty spot. The kick may be taken by anyone on the game sheet for that game.

League Standings and Tie-breakers

22. A Win is three points, Tied games are one point, and a Loss is zero points.

23. Tie breakers will be decided in the following order: Points, Goal Difference, Most Goals, Least Goals, Goal Average (Goals against divided by goals for), Coin Toss.

Fouls and Rules of Play

24. No sliding where contact or potential contact is or could be made with another player. Any sliding near a player is an automatic yellow card.

25. Goal keepers are not permitted to slide feet first when challenging an opposing player for the ball. This rule applies both inside and outside the goal area.

26. Spitting on the field will result in a two minute penalty. Second offence could result in a sending off (5 minute penalty) and disciplinary fine.

27. All free kicks are indirect. Players who encroach within 5 meters of the kicker may be cautioned by the Referee.

28. Fouls and misconduct will be according the table below.

29. For a yellow card - the player will serve a two minute penalty. The player must serve the entire two minutes even if his team were to concede a goal.

30. For a red card, the player must leave the playing area immediately. The guilty team shall place a player in the penalty box for the full five minutes, no matter how many goals are scored against them. After the five minute period, the team shall return to full strength, excluding the player that received the red card.

31. Red Cards - Decisions will be made by the league disciplinary committee. Players will have 48 hours after receiving a red card notice to request a hearing. Hearing requests must be made via email to [email protected] The offending player must submit the request for appeal.

32. A straight Red card will result in a minimum player fine of $20 and an automatic minimum one game suspension. Any further punishment is at the discretion of the league. All fines must be paid before the teams next scheduled league match. Non-payment will result in the player not being eligible to play.

33. Fighting will not be tolerated. The league has a ZERO tolerance policy for fighting. Should a single player be involved in a fight, that player will be suspended for the season. Players returning to the league will be considered only once the season is complete. The team will be fined $100.00.

34. The referee can force players to substitute to avoid a confrontation or escalating situation.

35. If a goalkeeper receives a two minute penalty, his time may be served by another player on the field. For a red card, he will be ejected from the game and will not be allowed to come back to play.

36. Any swearing out of frustration at himself will be a yellow card if heard by the referee.

37. Any swearing at an opposing player will be a red card if heard by the referee.

38. Any yellow card is a 2 minute penalty and red card is 5 minute penalty where the player must sit off and the team will play short one player for the full penalty regardless of how many goals are scored. A team cannot play with less than five players.

39. If a team has less than five players on the field due to yellow card, they will be allowed to play with four players.

40. Any cautions in the playoffs will not carry a suspension but will still be a fine based on regular season cautions carrying over.

41. Each team is responsible for the behavior of their spectators. Spectators must remain away from the players benches at all times. Only Individuals indicated on the Game Sheet are allowed on the field/player bench areas.

42. All players must wear their league uniform; failure to do so will result in a $10 fine payable before the next game. In order to play the current game, they must have a similar colour shirt.

43. No METAL jewelry will be permitted to be worn by any players, participating in a game.

44. Managers are responsible for throwing away all litter/garbage in and around the field at the end of each game. Failure to do so will result in a $50 fine to the team payable before the next game. Statskeeper will note which teams are responsible.

45. Any player or players involved in the consumption of any drugs or alcohol near the playing area shall be suspended and the team will be fined $200.

46. Any team found using ineligible players will forfeit that said match by a score of 3-0.

47. A referee will be appointed to each game. He shall enforce the laws of the game and his decision at time of game shall be final.

48. In the absence of a referee, two team managers will mutually decide upon the person responsible to referee the game.

49. The League will not tolerate any abuse to Referees or League officials at any time. Referee's decision or interpretation is final.

50. A minimum of 6 games must be attended for a player to play in the playoffs. GMs who wish to seek exceptions to this rule for players who are in situations beyond their control, may appeal to the BISL Board and be subject to a private hearing. Exceptions will be granted only in the event of unanimous approval by the Board.

51. Any outstanding fines will result in a player being ineligible to play until the fine has been paid.

52. Pictures: BISL will require a team picture or individual pictures from all players. All teams are required to participate

53. Trade deadline will be midnight the date after Week 3 of the season

Table 1: Standard Penalties for Misconduct by a Player

Description of Misconduct. Card totals reset at the start of the playoffs.

1.1 First yellow card - No action

1.2 Second yellow card - Warning

1.3 Third yellow card - 1-game suspension and $20 fine

1.4 Fourth yellow card - 1-game suspension and $20 fine

1.5 Fifth yellow card - Suspension for the season

54. Suspensions for red cards will be assessed based on severity of the issue but carry a minimum one game suspension and $20 fine.

55. If any rule is not covered or there is confusion the referees decision will prevail in consultation with the Conveners.

56. Referee is the ultimate authority on the pitch. His decision cannot be overruled by management during the game.